Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Kira's friend Sophie has arrived!

Yayyy!! Kira finally got to meet her new friend Sophia Grace (Sophie) who was born on Jan. 15th 2007. Here's pic of the two of them playing last Sunday, when Sophie was almost 2 weeks old. The two are already bonding!

They are SO YUMMY!!!! Congratulations to Shimmy and Batsheva!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Ok, Ok, I am updating!

Here is an update, QUICKLY. Mommy has been studying for the bar for over a month and Kira-pie has been a very good, understanding girl!! (THANK GOODNESS) She now eats cheerios and can sit up without any help! (Of course there's the occasional fall but we just laugh it off and she doesn't care). Daddy took Kira to her 6 month doctor appointment and she is now 14 lbs 5 oz. and 25 inches! She got 5 shots but was very good about it.

This picture is Kira in her bunny outfit! It's so soft and warm, just in time for this very late winter! We bought this for her right after we found out we were expecting and couldn't WAIT til it fit! Now she's just tooooo cute for words!!! Yay for little bunny foo foo!