Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Big Girl Kira!

After receiving many requests for an update, I finally found time to log on and post new pics and updates about BIG GIRL Kira!

First of all, Kira is now 15 and a half months. She began walking and running at around 13 months and Bubby bought her a pair of sneakers and a pair of dress shoes! She usually wears the sneakers because she is so active.

Her most recent doctor appointment revealed:

Height: 30 inches (25%)
Weight: 19 lbs 5 ounces (5-10%)
Head: I don't really pay attention to the head measurements anymore, but I know it's all normal.

In addition, Kira has been having some fun adventures with her many friends. She has had many fun play dates with Sophie, including a fun trip to Weber's Farm where the girls had fun playing with animals and looking at the pumpkins. Kira now has a big pumpkin, 2 mini pumpkins and a few silly-looking gourds.

Kira's vocabulary has also been expanding. She has so much to say, and imitates gestures, too (this means mommy and daddy have to be MUCH more careful around her-- we have been whispering and spelling a lot).

Words Kira can now say:
dog, moo (and other animal sounds), more, daddy, mama/mommy, drink, up, eat (deet!), zayde, bubby, yogurt, banana, no, yes, ball, wheee, uh-oh, baby (one of her favorites), cheese, tree, treat, football (daddy's so proud)...

and the list goes on!

Kira loves to dance and sing, too. Her favorite shows are Dora and Clifford.

We entered Kira in the yo-baby contest but she didn't win (most of the finalists were not even that cute! come ON!) This was the pic we entered:

She was saying "rarrr!" because we asked her what a lion says.

Kira also had a great time with her cousins Bari and Hailey, on Sukkot. On a Sunday, the whole family went to Aunt Lori and Uncle Eddie's for brunch. Here are some photos.

Kira has also been spending a lot of time with her beau Kivi. They hang out at bbqs, on shabbos, and play at each other's houses. Here is a picture from a few months ago, when Kira would tackle Kivi to the ground! (she's quite aggressive. She knows what she wants, and she will go and get it!)

Ok, hopefully I will be posting more often. That is the latest on Kira!!!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Kira at 1 year!

YAY! Kira turned 1 on July 10, 2007. Time FLEW by!! Here is a pic of Kira at her birthday party, chowing down on a frosted cupcake. Mmmmm....

Her Dr. appointment went well. Here are her stats:

Height: 28.5" (25%)
Weight: 17 lbs, 13 oz (8%)
Head: 20-25%

Recently, Kira met up with her best friend Sophie. As you can see, the two had a blast together. Note the adorable shirts they are wearing!!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Baby Kira is growing up!

Kira is now 9 months! What a BIG GIRL! She's cut 2 bottom teeth with 2 top teeth on the way. Her last doctor appointment showed that she now weighs 16 pounds 6 ounces and is 26 inches tall! Woo hoo! She's also started eating anything she can- but bagels are still her favorite.

Kira recently took her first trip to Disneyworld! She went on "It's a Small World" and Mickey's Philharmagic, as well as Country Bear Jamboree. She also had a ton of fun swimming with her cousins Bari and Hailey.

This was another first for Kira, as well as being pushed in the swing on the hotel playground.

Kira also had fun playing with cousin Sunny. They constantly grab hands and make noises and faces at each other! They are so lucky that they are about the same age and can play all the time.

What a fun vacation! The fun's not over yet... Mommy and Daddy are having a terrific time chasing after Kira when she crawls from place to place and climbs on everything she can. In no time she will be standing on her own! Yay for the big girl!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Purim and Pesach

Purim was so much fun, but now its over. Kira enjoyed herself and hung out with all of her friends. She dressed up as a butterfly. The fourth annual Diamond/Messing seudah was all in all a success! Here are two pics that represented the event.

Pesach is coming!! We cant wait to spend seder with our families and then go to Orlando where Kira will get to go to Seaworld and Magic Kingdom! WOO HOO! We bought Kira a cute bikini and a one piece and other stuff she needs for the trip.

Here is one more cute pic of Kira at 8 months beacause it's so cute!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Kira's friend Sophie has arrived!

Yayyy!! Kira finally got to meet her new friend Sophia Grace (Sophie) who was born on Jan. 15th 2007. Here's pic of the two of them playing last Sunday, when Sophie was almost 2 weeks old. The two are already bonding!

They are SO YUMMY!!!! Congratulations to Shimmy and Batsheva!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Ok, Ok, I am updating!

Here is an update, QUICKLY. Mommy has been studying for the bar for over a month and Kira-pie has been a very good, understanding girl!! (THANK GOODNESS) She now eats cheerios and can sit up without any help! (Of course there's the occasional fall but we just laugh it off and she doesn't care). Daddy took Kira to her 6 month doctor appointment and she is now 14 lbs 5 oz. and 25 inches! She got 5 shots but was very good about it.

This picture is Kira in her bunny outfit! It's so soft and warm, just in time for this very late winter! We bought this for her right after we found out we were expecting and couldn't WAIT til it fit! Now she's just tooooo cute for words!!! Yay for little bunny foo foo!